.. _cookbook: *************** Cookbook *************** This is a list of tutorials and code samples we have developed for working with the Cal-Adapt API. If you would like to contribute to this list or see some other examples contact us at `support@cal-adapt.org `_. .. _jupyter-notebooks: Jupyter Notebooks ================== * General * `Searching for resources `_ * `Get data for a Location `_ * `Get polygon geometry from boundaries `_ * `A quick overview of working with Pandas `_ * Working with Annual Averages * `Some basic plots with MatplotLib `_ * `Making an animated heatmap `_ * `Calculate summary stats for Sacramento County `_ * `Retrieve data for temperature and precipitation `_ * Working with Daily Data * `Calculate Extreme Heat Days `_ * `Calculating monthly and annual averages from daily data `_ * `Calculating Cooling & Heating Degree Days from daily maximum and minmum temperatures `_ * Working with other climate variables * `Sea Level Rise `_ * `Experimental charts using wildfire data `_ * `Working with Long Drought Scenarios `_